Tuesday, December 22, 2009

The first Christmas Gift

After they had heard the king, they went on their way, and the star they had seen in the east went ahead of them until it stopped over the place where the child was. When they saw the star, they were overjoyed. On coming to the house, they saw the child with his mother Mary, and they bowed down and worshiped him. Then they opened their treasures and presented him with gifts of gold and of incense and of myrrh.

Matthew 2:9-11

The magi went to great lengths to find Jesus, the newborn king, traveling a great distance to find him. Following the star, they eventually found Jesus. When they did, they worshipped Him, and gave him the first Christmas gifts: gold, incense and myrrh.

We three kings of orient are;
Bearing gifts we traverse afar,
Field and fountain,
Moor and mountain,
Following yonder star.
(from We Three Kings of Orient Are)

Two things stand out in this encounter:

First, the magi were pagan astrologers, but they were moved to find the king of the Jews. And when they did, these astrologers bowed down and worshiped Jesus. It’s amazing that even at Jesus’ birth, we have an important picture painted for us that He would be the redeemer sent to everyone, not just a select few, and that our response to Jesus is that of worship.

Secondly, we see the magi presenting Jesus with precious gifts. Giving and receiving gifts are a favorite part of our Christmas celebrations today. Yet typically, we celebrate Christmas more for God’s gift of Jesus to us than as a time when we give gifts to Jesus. Maybe it’s time to change our priorities. We can give gifts to Jesus through our worship and through our commitment to follow Him.

As we celebrate Christmas this year, choose to give Jesus your life as a gift to Him.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

27th December

Hello Everybody,

Date : Sunday, 27th of December
Venue : House of Joy, Puchong
Time : start at 10am, full day event

Why is History Makers planning such an event?
I can assure all people who are seeing this blog, attending, thinking of attending, that this event will turn out to be a wonderful, marvelous event. We have to pray hard.
Our purpose of going to this orphanage is not just to have fun, play some games, make some friends, our objective is to touch one's life and that will be changed forever.
We will eat some food, do a bbq, play some games, clean the area, basically help the needy!

Honor the Lord with your wealth
and with the first fruits of all your produce;
then your barns will be filled with plenty,
and your vats will be bursting with wine.

—Proverbs 3:9-10

Whoever brings blessing will be enriched,
and one who waters will himself be watered.

—Proverbs 11:25

Whoever is generous to the poor lends to the Lord,
and he will repay him for his deed.

—Proverbs 19:17

Whoever closes his ear to the cry of the poor
will himself call out and not be answered.

—Proverbs 21:13

Whoever has a bountiful eye will be blessed,
for he shares his bread with the poor.

—Proverbs 22:9

Our main aim as History Makers' is to 'Touch Lives, Meet Needs and Win Souls'
Whoever interested to join this event, can contact Ishwin : 0175523141

Thank you
God Bless!

Upcoming Plan

December 18 - 20 : Leader's Retreat (Location : Ipoh)
December 25 : Christmas
December 27 : Christmas Event (Visit to orphanage home)(Location : Puchong)

Monday, November 30, 2009

Video : For the Sake of the Call

A Meaningful and Nice Christian Song, dedicated to ALL History Makers.

Whose dad is the most talented?

3 kids are sitting on the curb, the first one says "guess what? my dad is so talented he writes stuff down on paper calls it a poem and they send him $100 for it!" the second kid says "oh yeah? my dad is so talented he draws squiggly lines on a notebook calls it art and they give him $300 for it!" "that's nothin" the 3rd kid says, "my dad writes some words down calls it a sermon, and it takes five guys to collect all the money!"

Tuesday, November 24, 2009


"Ehwhy you wearing that kind of stuff lah."
"How come her shirt so ugly 1.I bet she was blind when she bought it."
"How come his house got swimming pool .I bet his father smuggle stuff from Thailand"

Nowdays all of us condemnother people for either their weakness or something we
don't posses but they do.We get jealous.But did you know that even the Lord himself
the King of KINGS , the Almightyone do not condem us although we are are just human." For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved.".John 3:17. So how come we human who are equal in the Lords eye condemming other people.Dont you know that the Lord do not care about your stuff,what you posses.He wants to see us loving each other as he already sent his message.Be happy and ask for not more from what you already posses and love the Lord your God.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Jesus HELP ME!

"Jesus help me" is a cry from your heart. You come to Jesus because He is the only one who can help you.

"Jesus help me. My life is difficult."
Do you have family, job or money worries? Have people hurt you? Do you suffer from health problems? Is there an emptiness in your life from the loss of a loved one?

Answer: Take all your problems to Jesus. Trust Him to help you. And Jesus Who loves you so much will be there for you.

"Jesus help me. My life is a mess."
There may be an addiction that is pulling you down. You may quit for a few days only to start again. You may feel like a failure and want to give up trying.

Answer: Know that Jesus does not count the number of times you fall down. He only counts the number of times you get up and return to Him. So ask Jesus to help you overcome your addiction. Jesus of Mercy will not fail to answer your cry for help. Pray the Serenity Prayer

"Jesus help me. I am hurting."
I am hurting because of a broken relationship. I can't seem to get past it.

Answer: God wants you to let go of your painful feelings. He wants you to find happiness in your life. Ask Jesus to heal you.

"Jesus help me. I am such a failure."
My life is a long list of failures: bad decisions, missed opportunities and wasted years. Things should have been so different, but there is no going back.

Answer: Don’t let the past pull you down. Jesus wants you to live in the present. Never mind what might have been. Ask Jesus to help you build a better life.

"Jesus help me. I have sinned."
So many times, I did not keep your commandments. Now one part of me says, "Ask Him to forgive your sins." Another part of me says, "It's too late. Your sins are too many."

Answer: Listen to the part that tells you to go to Jesus. It isn't too late. He has not given up on you. His Mercy is far greater than your sins.

"Jesus help me. I can't go on."
I am so depressed. Nobody cares what happens to me. Every day I struggle to survive. As hard as I try, my life doesn't get better. I can't go on...

Answer: When you feel helpless, think of Jesus. Carrying his cross, he was in great pain. Most of his friends had deserted him. People were shouting, "Crucify him." He felt He couldn't go on.

Our Lord suffered, and in every life there will be suffering. Ask Jesus for the strength to carry your cross, and He will help you.

Remember... the Lord always watches over you.
Jesus is your strength, so turn to Him. When things look darkest, out of love for Him, don't give up.

To Jesus, your life is an open book. He sees what weighs heavily on your heart and what pains you. He understands what you are going through.

When you have a problem, take it to Jesus. He is always ready to help you... if you want His help.

Many times we try to handle our problems all by ourselves... and it doesn't work. Whatever the problem, pray. Jesus answers prayers and He will answer yours.

He helps whenever you ask.
Jesus told us, "Come to me all you who are heavily burdened and I will give you rest" (Matthew 11:28).

Because Jesus loves you, He will always help you.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

King for the Day


Is this face familiar to you?

His name is
Kanesh Varmaa.
Age 19.
Currently studying in Nilai University College.
Born on October 1st, which is TODAY.

Leader of History Makers Nilai.
A very capable and responsible leader brought up by Soon Yew.
Leadership skills is second to none.
Always willing to serve when called upon to.
Highly Skilled guitarist.

Today, is his special day :



History Makers would love to wish you a blessed birthday.
May your wishes come through and continue to be a faithful servant.
We pray for your safety, security, success and love towards God Forever.
God Bless!

...CG 25/09 26/09 27/09..

Hello once again to everyone..

We had our wonderful activities on these few days..

First on the 25th of September we had our prayer meeting.

After praying , we all discuss about our upcoming BBQ!

On the 26th, we had our cell group.

Ice breaker by Ishwin was fun.Uh huh..FUN OKAY!! we all had a good laugh....

Then it was our Mr. Ng Sze Tat to share.

There he is.and our friend ahem Lennard

....our macho man for the day(day ok)..haha just joking...

The topic he shared about was goodness.

The sharing was participative as everyone was involve as we shared our personal

feeling or idea of how we look at goodness and stuff .

(We have recordings of Mr.Tat giving his sharing kekeke)

On the 27th, a bunch of History Makers went to City Harvest Church..

A Swedish pastor was giving some sharing.

If im not mistaken his name is Joakim Lundqvist.

Yeah.Lots of stuff learnt!!



See you guys soon!

God bless.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Mooncake BBQ

Ladies & Gentleman, Tuan Tuan dan Puan Puan,

History Makers Kuala Lumpur (HMKL) will be hosting a BBQ party in conjunction with the mooncake festival.

BBQ + Mooncake Festival = Party!

Everybody currently reading this post, Please join us and do attend our party a.k.a. event which will feature both History Makers from Kuala Lumpur and also Nilai. The details are as follows :

Venue : Vincent's House, Cheras.
Time : 6.00pm - 10pm
Date : 3rd October *Saturday.

For more information, do contact :-
Kanesh : 012-2415198
Jessica : 012-5966927

It will be an brilliant if more people can make it for this beautifully planned event, which is just around the corner. Please do not feel shy and feel free to drop by at anytime. I can promise that it will be great fun and rest assured it will be a blast!

Thank you.
God Bless!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009


Friends' are part and parcel of life. We need to make friends with people around us.
Why is making friend's so important?
Because we have to understand, when times are hard, we can rely on them, and vice versa.
Eg, Saul (Paul) and Jonathan were lovely and pleasant in their lives, and in their death they were not divided: they were swifter than eagles, stronger than lions. 2 samuel 1:23

Friends, we have to be friendly and eager to know more people, in order to meet more new friends in life.

Note* HISTORY MAKERS is a place whereby everybody can make friends with anybody. Everybody is welcome to join, it will be a pleasure to meet new friends! :D
God Bless!

Monday, September 21, 2009


In this generation where the worlds wickedness grows far beyond our imagination.
Seeing people come togather and SINGING,WORSHIPING and Raising up their hand to the Lord is a truly beautiful thing

Friday, September 18, 2009

Don't put Jesus first.

The worst thing you can do as a Christian is to try and put Jesus first in your life.I know it sounds

good, and Lord knows, I’ve said it plenty:Put Jesus first, your family second, your job third…But it’s

a flawed paradigm.

Jesus doesn’t want to be first on your list. He doesn’t need your shout out.He’s not content to be first

in your life.He insists on being the center of your life.

Putting Jesus first in my life means I kind of segregate Him from my other priorities.Making Him

the center of my life means I integrate Him into every priority.

It’s not Jesus, then my family, then my job…It’s Jesus: in my family, in my job…

It’s not Jesus, then anything…It’s Jesus in everything!

source from:

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


In life the wind is often against us. There are times when life is a desperate struggle with ourselves, with our circumstances, with our temptations, with our sorrows, with our decisions. At such a time no man need struggle alone, for Jesus comes to him across the storms of life, with hand stretched out to save, and with his calm clear voice bidding us take heart and-have no fear.

Today, our Scripture finishes with another great and permanent truth. When Jesus got into the boat, the wind sank. The great truth is that, wherever Jesus Christ is, the wildest storm becomes calm. It is the simple fact of life, a fact which has been proved by countless thousands of men and women in every generation, that when Christ is there the storm becomes calmed, the chaos becomes peaceful, what cannot be done is done, the unbearable becomes bearable, and men and women pass the breaking point and do not break. To walk with Christ will be for us also the defeat of the storm.
Although we start out with good intentions, sometimes our faith hesitates. This doesn't necessarily mean we have failed. When Peter's faith hesitated, he reached out to Christ, the only one who could help. He was afraid, but he still looked to Christ. When you are apprehensive about the troubles around you and doubt Christ's presence or ability to help, you must remember that he is the only one who can really help.

The disciples were surprised to see Jesus walking beside them on the water. But they should have realized that Jesus would help them when they were in trouble. Though they had lost sight of Jesus, he had not lost sight of them. His concern for them overcame their lack of faith. The next time you are in "deep water," remember that Christ knows your struggle and cares for you.
Bruce Larson shares the following anecdote in his book Wind and Fire. A few years ago I almost drowned in a storm at sea in the Gulf of Mexico when I found myself swimming far from shore, having tried to reach my drifting boat. I got into that bad situation through my own foolishness…I can remember saying, "Well, this is it." The waves were seven or eight feet high, and the sky was dark with gale force winds and lightening. I was drifting out to sea when the Word of the Lord came to me and saved my life. What I thought He said was, "I am here, Larson, and you are not coming home as soon as you think. Can you tread water?" He recalls, "God helped me to realize that if I had kept on trying to swim back to shore, I wouldn't have made it; rather, I went still, and stayed afloat on the water until a boat came to save me. He continues: In all sorts of situations we can make matters worse by our frantic efforts to save ourselves when Jesus Christ is trying to tell us, "Stand still. I am looking at you. I will take care of you. I will save you…"

When life's storms threaten to overwhelm you, remember this - Keep your eyes on Jesus, when we maintain our faith in Christ, we are able to remain firm in the midst of the storm. When all seems lost and you don't know where to turn, let go of the situation and Christ will direct your way. Recognizing Christ's presence is the cure for fear. And most of all, remember that when we have lost sight of Jesus- he has not lost sight of us!

What makes you feel fear? Are you in fear for an unclear future? Are you in pain because of your health? Are you struggling with a broken relationship? Are you having problems in your family? Are you sinking in a financial problem? He has not lost sight of us. He knows what we need. A Hymnal give us a clear answer, "Turn your eyes upon Jesus, look full in his wonderful face, and the things of earth will grow strangely dim in the light of his glory and grace."Do not look at the miserable situation around you. Turn your eyes, look up to Jesus and hold his hand!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

A Very Faithful Woman

An elderly lady was well-known for her faith and for her boldness in talking about it. She would stand on her front porch and shout "PRAISE THE LORD!"

Next door to her lived an atheist who would get so angry at her proclamations he would shout, "There ain't no Lord!!"

Hard times set in on the elderly lady, and she prayed for GOD to send her some assistance. She stood on her porch and shouted "PRAISE THE LORD. GOD I NEED FOOD!! I AM HAVING A HARD TIME. PLEASE LORD, SEND ME SOME GROCERIES!!"

The next morning the lady went out on her porch and noted a large bag of groceries and shouted, "PRAISE THE LORD."

The neighbor jumped from behind a bush and said, "Aha! I told you there was no Lord. I bought those groceries, God didn't."

The lady started jumping up and down and clapping her hands and said, "PRAISE THE LORD. He not only sent me groceries, but He made the devil pay for them. Praise the Lord!"

: Blessed is the man who has trust in the Lord and has made the Lord his hope and confidence - - Jeremiah 17:7

God Bless, enjoy!


Don't look back, you must move forward by faith in Jesus Christ.

Here are some keys to unlock your destiny on earth:-

Purpose (Understand your real identity, who you are in God)-

Knowledge (Read the Bible) -

Faith (Cast out all fear of failur...e)-

Action (Turn your dreams into reality)-

Perseverance (There is no great achievement without persistence)-

Prayer (renew your mind in God's presence)Read More


To the man of faith, there is not a thing that is not opportunity."Even if you are going through

difficult seasons, remember this: Faith in Jesus Christ always wins and... you are a winner!!

Voice your victory and let your light shine in the name of Jesus Christ


Do you really believe in God? Because He does.

Sometimes it takes time to be accepted by others

and build confidence.

Sometimes you underestimate yourself and try to escape routine The Good

News for you today is this:

Before you believe in yourself or ...anything else, God believes in you!

You see, at just the right time, when we were still powerless Christ died for the ungodly (Romans


Sunday, September 13, 2009

...CG 5/9/09

On the 5/9/2009 we had our gathering, a thoroughly-exciting-saturday-meet-up-in-cheras plan. Thank God it was a great and meaningful day, it all went well.

LIM/NG Sze Tat doing his part for offerings.

Our normal worship
There are now 2 new leaders appointed for HMKL :

...and itu dia. LENNARD, appointed as Multimedia Officer.

and MELANIE, Head of Personal Relations.

Before ending it. We prayed for our new leaders, hoping our Lord will give them the great strength required to lead HMKL.

See you guys soon! MORE updates to follow.
God Bless!

To the youths!


Light is sweet, and it pleases the eyes to see the sun
However many years a man may live,let him enjoy them all.
But let him remember the days of darkness,for they will be many.
Everything come come is meaningless.

Be happy, young man, while you are young,and let your heart give joy in the days of your youths.
Follow the ways of your heart and whatever your eyes see,but know that for all these things
God will bring you to judgement
So then banish anxiety from your heart and cast off troubles of your body,for youth and vigor are meaningless


Hey hey.
How are you guys!
Hope everything is fine!
This blog hasn't be updated.No worries.It's back on the road.and it is going to be alive
Do visit often.As there is many things that is going to be shared.The chatbox is right beside there and lets make this page ALIVE!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Keep On Serving (by Jim Liebelt)

“(Caleb said,) So here I am today, eighty-five years old! I am still as strong today as the day Moses sent me out; I’m just as vigorous to go out to battle now as I was then. Now give me the hill country that the Lord promised me that day.”Joshua 14:10-12

Today’s Scripture passage is about Caleb who had been one of the 12 spies that Moses sent to scout out the land God had promised to give the Israelites. Upon their return, Joshua and he alone gave good reports of that land. As a result only these two—out of their entire generation—were allowed by God to enter the “promised land” and to take possession of it. Fast-forward past those forty years and the scene painted in Joshua 14 has Caleb, at 85-years-old, still vigorous, still ready to serve, still ready for more.
When I read about Caleb these days, I think about a friend of mine. His name is Bob Oertel. I met Bob in the summer of 1999 while we were working together at a Group Workcamp in Vermont. Bob was a volunteer photographer; taking pictures of the various work crews of teenagers that are participants during the weeklong camps. In those days, Bob spent 3 or 4 weeks a summer serving at various workcamps, driving long distances between camps, sleeping on a cot in a classroom, working the long hours typical of a workcamp volunteer. I was impressed by Bob’s heart and energy for serving, for at the time he was in his eighties.
I’ve been out of the camp loop for a few years, so not long ago I searched the Internet to see if I could find whether Bob was still actively participating in workcamps. After all, he’d be 90-something now. And, I found him. A news article from Bob’s hometown told the story of a workcamp that he had been instrumental bringing to their town. According to the report, Bob has volunteered at 31 workcamps in the past 17 years.
Bob is on my list of heroes. Because of his willingness to serve, Bob continues to make a difference in the lives of people. He is truly a modern-day Caleb. And I want to be like him when I grow up.
The attitude of serving in the name of Christ knows no age limit. Sure, there may be health issues that limit a person’s ability, but I cannot find any Scripture that encourages people to sit on the sidelines, regardless of age. There is no “mandatory retirement” age for the Christian life! Jesus wants us to make a difference in his name – as long as he gives us life! The only requirements are an attitude of service in Jesus’ name and the willingness to act upon the opportunities He provides.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

A joke a day, keeps the blogger away.

There is a man, he is devoted, well-mannered, smart, responsible, caring and he is like the 'perfect' Christian a man can ever be.
So, 1 fine day, he prayed to God and asked God for 1 promise. God said okay.
He told God, when he die, he would like to bring 1 suitcase to heaven with him.
A few years later, this man passed away peacefully and was ascended to heaven. When he arrived in heaven, he was stopped by St. Peter. He brought his suitcase along with him as predicted.
St. Peter asked him, "Whats in this suitcase? You cant bring no suitcase to heaven."
The man replied, "God promised me, i can bring my suitcase into heaven."
St. Peter said, "Well then, what's in the suitcase, can u please open up and show me?"
The man proudly opened it and displayed a few gold bars, sparkling and shining.
St. Peter was cool and calm, he casually replied "Why are the pavements in the street in this suitcase of yours?"

Moral : Do not doubt the heavens above us, trust God and we'll have eternal life. We can enjoy all
the benefits and beautiful environment God has ready for us.
This is can be found the bible, revelations 21:21.

Enjoy! God Bless!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

First Post..

So this will be our first post.... it was a blasting weekend for HMKL last saturday.. we strongly believe that many more things will happen as a few of the newcomers did raise up their hand when they were challenged.. I think that we almost hit about 20 people this week.. Praise God! and report from HM Nilai cell.. there were 26 people this tuesday for the station games..! wow.. what an awesome God we have.. and good job Kanesh..! haha... after the cell group.. we proceed to a futsal match.. here's the pics.. enjoy...

i think its Ishwin and Jeslyn..

yes.. jeslyn is playing.. while the rest of the girls are chit chatting outside..

tis is Vidya.. with some good foot ball-ing skills

the fellow footballers... note tat kanesh is the goal keeper... sze tat & soon ket macam yes.. aha

the dam yeng sze tat... hahah

the most handsome history maker.. hahah!

Heres auntie chan, ishwin and yang..

thats all.. looking forward to the coming cell as there will be more excitement to come.....

God Bless You all...