Tuesday, November 24, 2009


"Ehwhy you wearing that kind of stuff lah."
"How come her shirt so ugly 1.I bet she was blind when she bought it."
"How come his house got swimming pool .I bet his father smuggle stuff from Thailand"

Nowdays all of us condemnother people for either their weakness or something we
don't posses but they do.We get jealous.But did you know that even the Lord himself
the King of KINGS , the Almightyone do not condem us although we are are just human." For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved.".John 3:17. So how come we human who are equal in the Lords eye condemming other people.Dont you know that the Lord do not care about your stuff,what you posses.He wants to see us loving each other as he already sent his message.Be happy and ask for not more from what you already posses and love the Lord your God.

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