Wednesday, September 16, 2009


In life the wind is often against us. There are times when life is a desperate struggle with ourselves, with our circumstances, with our temptations, with our sorrows, with our decisions. At such a time no man need struggle alone, for Jesus comes to him across the storms of life, with hand stretched out to save, and with his calm clear voice bidding us take heart and-have no fear.

Today, our Scripture finishes with another great and permanent truth. When Jesus got into the boat, the wind sank. The great truth is that, wherever Jesus Christ is, the wildest storm becomes calm. It is the simple fact of life, a fact which has been proved by countless thousands of men and women in every generation, that when Christ is there the storm becomes calmed, the chaos becomes peaceful, what cannot be done is done, the unbearable becomes bearable, and men and women pass the breaking point and do not break. To walk with Christ will be for us also the defeat of the storm.
Although we start out with good intentions, sometimes our faith hesitates. This doesn't necessarily mean we have failed. When Peter's faith hesitated, he reached out to Christ, the only one who could help. He was afraid, but he still looked to Christ. When you are apprehensive about the troubles around you and doubt Christ's presence or ability to help, you must remember that he is the only one who can really help.

The disciples were surprised to see Jesus walking beside them on the water. But they should have realized that Jesus would help them when they were in trouble. Though they had lost sight of Jesus, he had not lost sight of them. His concern for them overcame their lack of faith. The next time you are in "deep water," remember that Christ knows your struggle and cares for you.
Bruce Larson shares the following anecdote in his book Wind and Fire. A few years ago I almost drowned in a storm at sea in the Gulf of Mexico when I found myself swimming far from shore, having tried to reach my drifting boat. I got into that bad situation through my own foolishness…I can remember saying, "Well, this is it." The waves were seven or eight feet high, and the sky was dark with gale force winds and lightening. I was drifting out to sea when the Word of the Lord came to me and saved my life. What I thought He said was, "I am here, Larson, and you are not coming home as soon as you think. Can you tread water?" He recalls, "God helped me to realize that if I had kept on trying to swim back to shore, I wouldn't have made it; rather, I went still, and stayed afloat on the water until a boat came to save me. He continues: In all sorts of situations we can make matters worse by our frantic efforts to save ourselves when Jesus Christ is trying to tell us, "Stand still. I am looking at you. I will take care of you. I will save you…"

When life's storms threaten to overwhelm you, remember this - Keep your eyes on Jesus, when we maintain our faith in Christ, we are able to remain firm in the midst of the storm. When all seems lost and you don't know where to turn, let go of the situation and Christ will direct your way. Recognizing Christ's presence is the cure for fear. And most of all, remember that when we have lost sight of Jesus- he has not lost sight of us!

What makes you feel fear? Are you in fear for an unclear future? Are you in pain because of your health? Are you struggling with a broken relationship? Are you having problems in your family? Are you sinking in a financial problem? He has not lost sight of us. He knows what we need. A Hymnal give us a clear answer, "Turn your eyes upon Jesus, look full in his wonderful face, and the things of earth will grow strangely dim in the light of his glory and grace."Do not look at the miserable situation around you. Turn your eyes, look up to Jesus and hold his hand!

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