Tuesday, August 18, 2009

A joke a day, keeps the blogger away.

There is a man, he is devoted, well-mannered, smart, responsible, caring and he is like the 'perfect' Christian a man can ever be.
So, 1 fine day, he prayed to God and asked God for 1 promise. God said okay.
He told God, when he die, he would like to bring 1 suitcase to heaven with him.
A few years later, this man passed away peacefully and was ascended to heaven. When he arrived in heaven, he was stopped by St. Peter. He brought his suitcase along with him as predicted.
St. Peter asked him, "Whats in this suitcase? You cant bring no suitcase to heaven."
The man replied, "God promised me, i can bring my suitcase into heaven."
St. Peter said, "Well then, what's in the suitcase, can u please open up and show me?"
The man proudly opened it and displayed a few gold bars, sparkling and shining.
St. Peter was cool and calm, he casually replied "Why are the pavements in the street in this suitcase of yours?"

Moral : Do not doubt the heavens above us, trust God and we'll have eternal life. We can enjoy all
the benefits and beautiful environment God has ready for us.
This is can be found the bible, revelations 21:21.

Enjoy! God Bless!

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