Friday, January 22, 2010

The New Creation

Everybody see the new logo, new design!

Recently completed and it has its meaningful meanings.

1. The Shield. The shield in the background represents the faith we are taught to practice, by the power of praying and believing. We walk by faith and not by sight everyday.

The Cross. The cross in the middle portrays Christ! Christ is our main source of faith. Jesus Christ is the revelation of God in the flesh. Jesus paid the 'fine' for us which we deserved for our wrongdoing and disobedience. We have to trust him, to start a new life.

3. The Flowers. It bloomed in our life after Christ died for us, the past is over, it is gone. God promised us a new lease of life and to prosper in his name and bloom like a flower to attract others.

4. ACT1:8 - "But you will receive power when the holy spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth."
We will be followers of Christ and share his love with his beloved people.

5. The Wings. Wings can be seen as the freedom we found in God.

Designed and Constructed by,
Cheah Soon Yang (Guitarist)

Take Care,
God Bless!

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