Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Keep On Serving (by Jim Liebelt)

“(Caleb said,) So here I am today, eighty-five years old! I am still as strong today as the day Moses sent me out; I’m just as vigorous to go out to battle now as I was then. Now give me the hill country that the Lord promised me that day.”Joshua 14:10-12

Today’s Scripture passage is about Caleb who had been one of the 12 spies that Moses sent to scout out the land God had promised to give the Israelites. Upon their return, Joshua and he alone gave good reports of that land. As a result only these two—out of their entire generation—were allowed by God to enter the “promised land” and to take possession of it. Fast-forward past those forty years and the scene painted in Joshua 14 has Caleb, at 85-years-old, still vigorous, still ready to serve, still ready for more.
When I read about Caleb these days, I think about a friend of mine. His name is Bob Oertel. I met Bob in the summer of 1999 while we were working together at a Group Workcamp in Vermont. Bob was a volunteer photographer; taking pictures of the various work crews of teenagers that are participants during the weeklong camps. In those days, Bob spent 3 or 4 weeks a summer serving at various workcamps, driving long distances between camps, sleeping on a cot in a classroom, working the long hours typical of a workcamp volunteer. I was impressed by Bob’s heart and energy for serving, for at the time he was in his eighties.
I’ve been out of the camp loop for a few years, so not long ago I searched the Internet to see if I could find whether Bob was still actively participating in workcamps. After all, he’d be 90-something now. And, I found him. A news article from Bob’s hometown told the story of a workcamp that he had been instrumental bringing to their town. According to the report, Bob has volunteered at 31 workcamps in the past 17 years.
Bob is on my list of heroes. Because of his willingness to serve, Bob continues to make a difference in the lives of people. He is truly a modern-day Caleb. And I want to be like him when I grow up.
The attitude of serving in the name of Christ knows no age limit. Sure, there may be health issues that limit a person’s ability, but I cannot find any Scripture that encourages people to sit on the sidelines, regardless of age. There is no “mandatory retirement” age for the Christian life! Jesus wants us to make a difference in his name – as long as he gives us life! The only requirements are an attitude of service in Jesus’ name and the willingness to act upon the opportunities He provides.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

A joke a day, keeps the blogger away.

There is a man, he is devoted, well-mannered, smart, responsible, caring and he is like the 'perfect' Christian a man can ever be.
So, 1 fine day, he prayed to God and asked God for 1 promise. God said okay.
He told God, when he die, he would like to bring 1 suitcase to heaven with him.
A few years later, this man passed away peacefully and was ascended to heaven. When he arrived in heaven, he was stopped by St. Peter. He brought his suitcase along with him as predicted.
St. Peter asked him, "Whats in this suitcase? You cant bring no suitcase to heaven."
The man replied, "God promised me, i can bring my suitcase into heaven."
St. Peter said, "Well then, what's in the suitcase, can u please open up and show me?"
The man proudly opened it and displayed a few gold bars, sparkling and shining.
St. Peter was cool and calm, he casually replied "Why are the pavements in the street in this suitcase of yours?"

Moral : Do not doubt the heavens above us, trust God and we'll have eternal life. We can enjoy all
the benefits and beautiful environment God has ready for us.
This is can be found the bible, revelations 21:21.

Enjoy! God Bless!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

First Post..

So this will be our first post.... it was a blasting weekend for HMKL last saturday.. we strongly believe that many more things will happen as a few of the newcomers did raise up their hand when they were challenged.. I think that we almost hit about 20 people this week.. Praise God! and report from HM Nilai cell.. there were 26 people this tuesday for the station games..! wow.. what an awesome God we have.. and good job Kanesh..! haha... after the cell group.. we proceed to a futsal match.. here's the pics.. enjoy...

i think its Ishwin and Jeslyn..

yes.. jeslyn is playing.. while the rest of the girls are chit chatting outside..

tis is Vidya.. with some good foot ball-ing skills

the fellow footballers... note tat kanesh is the goal keeper... sze tat & soon ket macam yes.. aha

the dam yeng sze tat... hahah

the most handsome history maker.. hahah!

Heres auntie chan, ishwin and yang..

thats all.. looking forward to the coming cell as there will be more excitement to come.....

God Bless You all...