Thursday, November 12, 2009

Jesus HELP ME!

"Jesus help me" is a cry from your heart. You come to Jesus because He is the only one who can help you.

"Jesus help me. My life is difficult."
Do you have family, job or money worries? Have people hurt you? Do you suffer from health problems? Is there an emptiness in your life from the loss of a loved one?

Answer: Take all your problems to Jesus. Trust Him to help you. And Jesus Who loves you so much will be there for you.

"Jesus help me. My life is a mess."
There may be an addiction that is pulling you down. You may quit for a few days only to start again. You may feel like a failure and want to give up trying.

Answer: Know that Jesus does not count the number of times you fall down. He only counts the number of times you get up and return to Him. So ask Jesus to help you overcome your addiction. Jesus of Mercy will not fail to answer your cry for help. Pray the Serenity Prayer

"Jesus help me. I am hurting."
I am hurting because of a broken relationship. I can't seem to get past it.

Answer: God wants you to let go of your painful feelings. He wants you to find happiness in your life. Ask Jesus to heal you.

"Jesus help me. I am such a failure."
My life is a long list of failures: bad decisions, missed opportunities and wasted years. Things should have been so different, but there is no going back.

Answer: Don’t let the past pull you down. Jesus wants you to live in the present. Never mind what might have been. Ask Jesus to help you build a better life.

"Jesus help me. I have sinned."
So many times, I did not keep your commandments. Now one part of me says, "Ask Him to forgive your sins." Another part of me says, "It's too late. Your sins are too many."

Answer: Listen to the part that tells you to go to Jesus. It isn't too late. He has not given up on you. His Mercy is far greater than your sins.

"Jesus help me. I can't go on."
I am so depressed. Nobody cares what happens to me. Every day I struggle to survive. As hard as I try, my life doesn't get better. I can't go on...

Answer: When you feel helpless, think of Jesus. Carrying his cross, he was in great pain. Most of his friends had deserted him. People were shouting, "Crucify him." He felt He couldn't go on.

Our Lord suffered, and in every life there will be suffering. Ask Jesus for the strength to carry your cross, and He will help you.

Remember... the Lord always watches over you.
Jesus is your strength, so turn to Him. When things look darkest, out of love for Him, don't give up.

To Jesus, your life is an open book. He sees what weighs heavily on your heart and what pains you. He understands what you are going through.

When you have a problem, take it to Jesus. He is always ready to help you... if you want His help.

Many times we try to handle our problems all by ourselves... and it doesn't work. Whatever the problem, pray. Jesus answers prayers and He will answer yours.

He helps whenever you ask.
Jesus told us, "Come to me all you who are heavily burdened and I will give you rest" (Matthew 11:28).

Because Jesus loves you, He will always help you.

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